Don started on the crossover at Miller. The run around now ends down past the coaling tower and is hard to reach. So we used the first part of the siding to the coaling dock to create a new one where all the switching is.
Don and Tom work on the crossover in Valleyview. It was need to cut in half the 13 foot run around there. This will help switching the cement plant and allow someone to pass a stopped passenger train.
Mike and Donald swap out a turnout to the coal mine to make the siding line up better. Replacing the right hand turnout with a left hand one removed a sharp curve there. We will be backing up 6 hoppers at a time through that switch.
We are all but done plastering the upper loop. The wall on the out side of the loop was installed, including the highway bridge abutment and ramp, and the tunnel portal. The buildings are not where they go but we needed to clean up the layout for next Tuesday.
Glen has made a tunnel portal for the other side of the middle wall, more on that next time.
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