The monthly work night. The club bought 2 turnouts and a few bright boys. Members cleaned track, repaired a few dips in the roadbed, soldered on more feeders, fixing all of the blue pin areas. The new trackwork at Northdale was also wired. At the meeting we decided freight trains should be run with an engineer and a brakeman. The engineer will check all on coming turnouts, assist in switching, and run the train. The brakeman will carry the car cards, assist in switching, and return turnouts to the mainline as the train leaves. Any new rolling stock will be checked to standards before being put on the layout. To this end some repair supplies we donated for the club rolling stock repairs. We would also like to have all steel wheels on our rolling stock at sometime in the future. Extending station platforms to the second mainline was also talked about. Thanks for the Timbits Cliff.
track cleaners |
more creative minds at work |
another work group |
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