Joseph has taken the lead in researching our erratic electronics. His first logical step was to check the rated power outputs of the quad units. Guess what. The Wellington quad unit has a 5 amp supply, the lower mainline is 4 amps, and the Lincoln supply is only 3 amps. Leaving or entering the Lincoln control area is where we experience a big power change (engine speed).
Replacing the Lincoln quad power supply with a 5 amp supply looks like the best first step. We also have an extra quad unit (I think it is in working order) that we could hook up with the 3 amp unit. This could be used to separate off the branch line from the Lincoln control area, which would reduce it's power load, or maybe a better option would be to separate off the Springbank area. We could also use it to divide 1 or both of the other 2 power areas. This would have to be researched to decide which way to go.
Just to highlight the power load on the Lincoln control area I took the picture below. Three trains are seen in the Lincoln control area, but what it doesn't show is me on the branch line. This adds up to 4 engines pulling power all at the same time. Note to me, can the quads have 2 power supplies?
When will the new construction begin?