Town names update.
They are all streets in Woodstock and are alphabetically arranged. Included are some reasons of why they were chosen and helpful hints to remember them. All the towns are now named with one change and a few dropped.
ELSEWHERE, on the west wall, is a familiar name with our members. It is the home of the passenger yard and a mainline ready yard.
FIDLER on the south wall, to the right of the furnace, will have many small industries, so lots of fiddling.
HUNTER, on the south wall by the fire door, will be home of the steel mill, and there happens to be an industry in this town and in Woodstock, named Hunter Steel.
Jutland was dropped, this area will be referred to as the Thames River crossing, in the blog.
LINCOLN is another name from our previous layout, and it is inside the central loop, with many of the same industries.
MAPLE, on the east side of the middle peninsula, is the home of the refinery and sidings to the sawmill lumber yard (maple lumber perhaps).
Marshall and Nelson, both dropped and replaced by simply Coal Mine and Power Plant.
ORTONA the only mainline town on the east wall peninsula, industries are to be determined.
PINEHURST on the east side of the middle peninsula, has the connection to the branchline.
RIDGEWAY is on the edge (ridge) of the narrow bench section. Union Ice and Mutual Grain are located there
SPRINGBANK is a 1 siding town, industries to be determined
SUNSET on the west side of the middle peninsula, has Zorra Cement as it's only industry, so far, but is also the other connection to the branchline, at its harbour terminal and gravel dock.
TATHAM on the west wall, renamed from Warwick. Will have Coastal Oil, Buckley Mills and more, as industries.
WELLINGTON like on the old layout has a ready yard and a holding yard.
Branch line
ADMIRAL is a terminal town with a turntable, and a few industries. The branchline supposedly continues to the left, over a trestle and on through a tunnel.
BURTCH is a logging camp.
CARTIER is a small town, industries to be determined. Just past it is the lumber mill and a connection to the mainline.
DOVER leaving the mainline, from Sunset, into a port, terminal town, with a turntable an interchange track and a few industries.